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What operations to get rid of (reading) glasses do we perform?
Far vision only
Clear vision for distance, intermediate and near
Vision only in the middle and far distances
Far vision only
Clear vision for distance, intermediate and near
Vision only in the middle and far distances
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Book visitWhy do lens replacement surgery?
Full life without (reading) glasses
Life without reading glasses
Natural age-related changes occur in human lenses approximately at the age of 40-45. The lens is no longer able to focus well at varying distances, and most people will develop the need for reading glasses. Even if vision at long distances has been restored with previous laser surgery, reading texts, using a smartphone and working with a computer will all become more difficult. It is possible to get rid of glasses permanently with lens replacement surgery.
High-quality lenses
An operation for getting rid of (reading glasses) can nowadays be performed with monofocal or multifocal artificial lenses. A monofocal lens has just one focus distance. After the operation the patient might need glasses for long distances, as vision with an artificial lens is not good. With a multifocal lens it is possible to see well without glasses at all, or at least see well in the majority of situations.
Spending free time without limitations
There are no limitations on activities or hobbies after the operation. Quality of life improves significantly as there will be no need to wear glasses during sports or while working. It is also possible to see a smartphone screen more sharply without glasses. Different focus distances are clear when a multifocal lens has been used. Thus, when taking a photo with smartphone, it is possible to see both the smartphone screen and the object being photographed sharply.
No more glasses expenses
Reading glasses are one of the main cost items in older age. Glasses need to be replaced when vision gets worse, glasses might sometimes be broken or glasses frames might be uncomfortable to wear. When our clients sum up their glasses expenses, they often discover that the one-time cost of surgery is similar to the total cost of glasses, while surgery ensures a higher comfort level and permanent quality of life.