Contact-free PTK+PRK

Contact-free PTK+PRK is usually a method of choice in patients in whom LASIK-type surgery cannot be performed, in patients with a history of corneal diseases (inflammation of the cornea or keratitis, scars – including those produced by cutting with diamond knife), or who have undergone corneal operations of have had corneal trauma.

Recovery from contact-free operation is much longer than from LASIK-type surgery. Soreness of eyes, sensitivity to light and tear flow usually persist during the first three postoperative days. Recovery of visual acuity can take up to 2-3 months, during this period it is necessary to use corticosteroid (hormone) eye drops. Corticosteroid eye drops can increase intraocular pressure, this in turn damages optic nerve and such damages of the optic nerve are irreversible.

The results of contact-free PTK+PRK are the same as for classic PRK, but slightly more inaccurate since the real thickness of epithelium cannot be measured and laser removes about 50 µm of epithelium thickness in a typical case.

Operation phases:

I Preparation

Eyelid-holders will be inserted onto the eye and anaesthetic eye drops are instilled into the eye


Phototherapeutic Keratectomy or PTK surgery is performed with an excimer laser. PTK surgery can take from 10 seconds to 5 minutes; during this period laser beam removes the superficial layer of the cornea or epithelium. The patient is given special anaesthetic eye drops to reduce the risks and discomfort or pain during the procedure.


The next layer of the cornea is finished with a laser beam for a pre-calculated number of seconds. The remodelled convexity of the cornea helps the rays of light entering the eye to refract on the retina and short-sightedness is eliminated.

The operations are performed by surgeon Dr Kai Noor and Dr Inger Heleen Viikna.