What is Femto 2D Lite?

This procedure is also known as Laser LASIK or Bladeless LASIK. This is a refractive surgery procedure that has been introduced since 2000, during which the corneal flap is formed with a laser, or without a blade. Femtosecond LASIK, which is widespread today, is globally replacing other methods (PRK, LASIK, epi-LASIK) above all because of its higher accuracy and speed in creating the corneal flap. This results in less trauma to the eye, a more rapid recovery and more accurate vision correction.

What does the procedure look like?

The femtosecond laser with 1020-1060 nm wavelength and ultra-short pulse duration (200-350 fs), which is controlled by a computer, is focused under the external surface of the cornea. Each laser pulse forms a bubble at a predetermined depth (90, 100, 110 or 140 micrometres). When a network of overlapping bubbles has been formed, it is possible to remove the upper corneal flap without trauma to surrounding tissues. Further corneal shaping with a laser to ensure the best visual acuity is done similarly to the LASIK procedure.

What is the advantage of the femtosecond technology?

The Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems femtosecond solution used by us has been in global use since 2012. The advantage of this solution over others is the formation of overlapping bubbles. This excludes the possibility of connections between the corneal flap and the cornea itself. Other methods include the possibility of connections or “tissue bridges”, which lead to difficulties in drawing away the flap and more severe stress to the eye. The formation of the corneal flap is less traumatic due to the laser. When the flap is replaced, the compatibility and bonding of tissue surfaces is better compared to previous procedures. All of the above mentioned ensures faster recovery and better result.

What are the advantages of the femtosecond LASIK method over the LASIK method?

The thickness of the flap formed by femtosecond LASIK is more uniform than with classic LASIK, also the thickness is uniform in the entirety of the flap. An unstable flap can be reformed at a different depth during the same day. The in-turned angle of the edge cut by Femto LASIK ensures a stronger flap compared to its predecessor, it is also possible to change the attachment site of the flap - superior, nasal, temporal or inferior. Femto LASIK makes it possible to achieve better post-operative vision results in hyperopic patients.

Regarding eye pressure, some Femto lasers have the advantage of lower vacuum causing less discomfort for the patient during eye stabilisation during the operation.

The operations are performed by surgeon Dr Kai Noor and Dr Inger Heleen Viikna.